Monthly Archives: March 2002

salad dressing

from the Joy of Cooking ” It should possess a distinct character, but never steal the show. A dressing should be well seasoned (typically with a tang of acidity to deliver zest to the food) but not so assertive that it overwhelms the taste of the more delicate salad. And finally, a salad dressing should have enough body to lightly… Read more →


I finally learned to make good salad dressing. 2 parts vinegar to 3 parts olive oil. The trick is to add the oil very slowly and stir it to make it very thick. Other things that will help to emulsify it are adding chopped herbs, or garlic, or cream, or mayo to the vinegar before adding the oil yummy. I… Read more →

memory and filters

One of the ideas that is pushed in rehabs is the idea of the dysfunctional family. It is encouraged to see ones life through a filter, “everything was horrible and fucked up” (i.e.: dysfunctional). Doing this photo album is giving me a different perspective. For so long, I have seen my life that way, and I want to go through… Read more →

Past lives

When I went back to Portland, the first night I was there, I felt so devastated so crushed. This was the town I had run from the very instant I could manage it. It was here that I was left by my father and had terrible misunderstandings with my mother. It was here that my mother was so depressed and… Read more →