“It's difficult to get self-abuse victims to stop blaming themselves for what's happened,” Hattchett said. “They think it's their fault, because they're too weak to resist. And, despite everything that has happened, they often maintain strong feelings for their abusers. I've seen it happen time and time again.” http://theonion.com/4004/news1.html Read more →
Daily Archives: January 31, 2004
new quiz
EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS = Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot Chipotle paris SOCIALITE ALIAS = Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied Hootenanny Portland “FLY GUY” ALIAS (a la J. Lo) = First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name J. Ha DIVA ALIAS = Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in… Read more →