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Monthly Archives: September 2004
I wish they would stop using this word
Main Entry: 1in·sur·gent Function: noun Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise — more at SURGE 1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent 2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of… Read more →
I know I know. (the answer lies within)
Lately, I have a reoccurring fantasy that I can find information about anything on google. It has become so real to me that I find myself trying…. Sometimes for hours. Why did I get soooo tired today? How can I deal with the insane people in my life? What am I doing with my life? Should I change careers? Explain… Read more →